Upcoming NOLA events

Hello there, Beastie fans! Just a quick note to keep you guys posted on some local upcoming events!

What will I be doing between May and October, you ask?! Putting my nose to the grindstone to get the manuscript for Book 2 done and the gears rolling to finally get it published. My goal is to have it done and ready for Japan Fest in October. Keep your fingers crossed for me! (The gods know it’s been a long road!)

Enlight97May 12, 2018 – Worldbuilding Without Harm (Panel Discussion).
 I’ll be at Tubby & Coo’s Mid-City Book Shop for Independent Bookstore Day on May 12th from 1 PM to 2 PM for a panel discussion on Worldbuilding Without Harm! How do authors go about building their fictional worlds without causing harm to real-life groups of people? This is a topic I had to seriously consider when I decided to write about Japan and their traditions. Come join us to discuss!

If you’d like to know more about the full day Event, which includes other panels with some amazing local NOLA authors, please visit Tubby & Coo’s Event Page here.

Japan Fest 2017 – Kitsuke Demonstration

October 6, 2018 – Japan Fest 2018 (NOLA).  I’ll be at Japan Fest again this year, signing and slinging books (and tea), and teaming up again with the Japan Society of New Orleans for another kitsuke (kimono dressing) demonstration. If you’ve never been to our local Japan Fest, I highly recommend it. Come join us to celebrate and learn about Japanese culture! Stay tuned on this page, and on my social media, for more specific information as the festival gets closer.

  • Date & Time: Saturday, October 6, 2018, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
  • Location: New Orleans Museum of Art, One Collins C. Diboll Circle, City Park

On some upcoming NOLA events


For all you NOLA Beastie fans out there, there are a few upcoming events (in April and May) that might tickle your fancy. It’s going to be an eventful spring! I hope to get to meet some of you there!

IMG_2441April 9, 2017 (Book Discussion & Author Q&A) – The Kwaidan Book Club (the Read Japan aspect of the Japan Society of New Orleans) has chosen The Butterfly Crest as their April read and will be discussing the book, and hosting an Author Q&A with yours truly, on April 9th!  If you’d like to know more about this Event, please visit the Facebook Event Page here.

May 14, 2017 – Kimono Pop-Up Shop & Book Release Party.  The Second Edition of The Butterfly Crest hit the local shelves recently and what better way to celebrate than with friends, readers and kimono?! So I’ve teamed up with Kawaii NOLA and JA&T Kimono on May 14th for a Kimono Pop-Up Shop and Book Release Party!! Come join us to celebrate! If you’d like to know more about this Event, please visit the Facebook Event Page here.

  • Date & Time: Sunday, May 14th from 1:00 to 4:00 PM
  • Location: Kawaii NOLA, 4826 Magazine St, NOLA

May 22, 2017 – Kimono and Kitsuke Workshop. For those of you who’ve read my book, you know I’m a little (a lot) obsessed with kimono. If you’ve ever wanted to learn about kimono and kitsuke (the art of wearing kimono), come join me and the Japan Society of New Orleans on May 22nd for a Kimono and Kitsuke Worksop and Demonstration!

Aisa Tea by Viridian Tea Company

Aisa Tea, Image Credit: Viridian Tea Company

Whenever we least expect it, the universe conspires to bring us together with kindred spirits we may not have crossed paths with otherwise. In those special moments, happenstance and fortune combine to work a little magic. 

That’s exactly what happened eight months ago when I met author Kimberly Richardson at Wizard World NOLA. (You can read the rest of that story in Kimberly’s own words – here). What I couldn’t have imagined then was where that happy occurrence would lead us…

Introducing Aisa Tea by Viridian Tea Company – a blend of tea inspired by The White-Haired Fate herself! This is the first of many collaborations to come between myself and Kimberly, who also happens to be the owner (and Empress of Tea) at Viridian Tea Company. 

Aisa Tea is a blend of Assam tea, sage, honey crystals, and dried lemon peel

The tea is available for purchase online through Viridian Tea Company, and will soon be available in New Orleans at Tubby & Coo’s Mid-City Book Shop

Like Kimberly always says, Happy Cups!

Upcoming Author Events


September 24 – Paranormal Con at the at the East Bank Regional Library, 4747 W. Napoleon Ave., Metairie. I will be participating in two of their panels. Specific times to follow.

September 30 to October 2 – CONtraflow VI at the New Orleans Airport Hilton. CONtraflow is a Science Fiction & Fantasy literary convention with a New Orleans flair. I will be participating in several of their panels. Times and dates to follow.

October 8 – Japan Fest at the New Orleans Museum of Art. I will be signing and selling books from 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Kawaii NOLA, who I work with often, will also be in attendance! Come by and say hello!


On becoming involved and writing uncompromisingly for yourself

‘Sarusawa Pond’ by Yoshida Hiroshi.

Hi all! Once again, a million things have been going on; so much so that I can barely keep up. To tell y’all the truth, I don’t even know where to begin! I guess the beginning is always best, but who’s to say exactly where the beginning is? (I’ve been reading Haruki Murakami’s The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, can you tell?)

In the past eight months, I’ve gone out of my way to participate in as many local events as I can.  I was already struggling to juggle my writing and my day job, so the masochist in me decided I needed to add another level of intensity! It’s been tough, to say the least, but it’s brought a whole new dynamic to my author life and I can’t stress enough how game changing it’s been for me as a whole. Not only has it brought me into contact with fellow authors and people in the local community who have offered their friendship and support, but it’s brought me closer to the readers I’d hoped to connect with and reach.

If you’re wondering what I mean by becoming locally involved, here are a few examples. This weekend, I ran a Fantasy Writing Workshop at Tubby and Coo’s Mid-City Book Shop in New Orleans, with author Kimberly Richardson. Before that there was Geek Fest at the New Orleans Public Library in July, NOLA Time Fest in June, the Independent Bookstore Day events at Tubby & Coo’s in May, and contributing to New Orleans’s first Cherry Blossom Festival hosted by Kawaii NOLA in April.

The next few weeks will be even more intense. I’ll be releasing the Second Edition of The Butterfly Crest, just in time for a three week extravaganza of local (New Orleans) events! (Scroll down to the end of the post for event dates and times). For a while now, I’ve been considering making several aesthetic changes to the cover and book design of the paperback, and I figured there’s no better time than now! So, I shelved Book Two for several weeks to make the necessary updates. Fear not, there have been no substantive changes to the contents of the story (not even to those parts where I might have been somewhat overzealous with my descriptions)!

So, what’s going on with Book Two? Glad you asked! I’ve started over. I’ve ‘destroyed’ my work. What do I mean by that? Exactly as scary as it sounds! Back in April I mentioned going ‘back to basics’. Things had been paralyzed for quite some time and I kept hitting a wall. What I had no idea then was how far I would have to go to change things!

After a year of trying to force things (and denying there was a problem to begin with), I ended up having to pitch it all and start over. It was an incredibly difficult decision to make, but I’m glad I did it. I honestly didn’t have any other choice. I wasn’t happy with what I had of Book Two.  I knew exactly what was wrong with it, but I was too scared to do anything about it; the problem was systematic and if I addressed it, I’d have to destroy everything I’d taken so long to create. That’s why I’d been paralyzed for so long. Destroying everything after so much blood, sweat and tears—the idea of it was terrifying. I didn’t want to accept it.

So what was the problem? It was something simple (basic) in hindsight. I wasn’t writing for me. Not a single word of it sounded like me. My voice, as an author, was nowhere to be found. Once I realized that, destroying it was my only option. The second I pitched it all, the writing started to flow. In a single month I wrote what had taken me a year to write before. I’m happy to report that we’re back on track and stronger than ever! Yes, the release of Book Two will now be delayed, but I’d rather have a product that is my own and that I’m proud of. I want to write uncompromisingly for myself, fearlessly and without apologies.

  • September 24Paranormal Con at the Jefferson Parish Library. I will be participating in two of their panels. Specific times to follow.
  • September 30 to October  2CONtraflow VI at the New Orleans Airport Hilton. CONtraflow is a Science Fiction & Fantasy literary convention with a New Orleans flair. I will be participating in several of their panels. Times and dates to follow.
  • October 8 – Japan Fest at the New Orleans Museum of Art. I will be signing and selling books from 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Kawaii NOLA, who I work with often, will also be in attendance! Come by and say hello!


This post’s image is  “Sarusawa Pond” by Yoshida Hiroshi, a Japanese painter and woodblock printmaker who is known for his beautiful landscape prints. I chose this image because of how serene it is and how calm it makes me feel; the perfect sentiment as I move ahead. Calm and steady.

Kawaii NOLA

Hi all! I am thrilled to announce that The Butterfly Crest is now available for purchase at one of my favorite local shops, Kawaii NOLA, which specializes in bringing Japan’s culture of cute to New Orleans!

Stop by their Magazine Street boutique today for your local dose of all things cute (including some awesome Miyazaki swag)! Feel free to click on the Instagram link below to take a look at some of their amazing merchandise.

Local shops supporting local authors; it’s a beautiful thing.

Kawaii NOLA is located at 3512 Magazine Street, New Orleans, Louisiana.


NOLA Independent Bookstore Day

Image Credit: Tubby & Coo’s Mid-City Book Shop

Hi all! Just a quick note to mention that New Orleans is celebrating Independent Bookstore Day this Saturday, May 7th, and that I will be celebrating at Tubby & Coo’s Mid-City Book Shop at 2:00 pm!

The shop will be open and celebrating ALL day with tons of events, including a workshop with Alys Arden, a Neil Gaiman happy hour, a Harry Potter read aloud, a literary costume contest, and adult coloring and wine! They’ll also have exclusive merchandise (the Neil Gaiman Coloring Book, a signed print from Anthony Bourdain, a Stormlight Archive companion from Brandon Sanderson), sales, giveaways, and an epic scavenger hunt in partnership with Garden District Book Shop, Octavia Books, and Maple Street Book Shop.

I hope to see y’all there!

For more information, check out the Event Page here.

Tubby & Coo’s Mid-City Book Shop
631 N. Carrollton Ave., New Orleans, LA 70119



NOLA Cherry Blossom Festival

Sakura Fest
Photo credit: Kawaii NOLA

Hi guys. Just a quick news flash/update!

Our friends at Kawaii NOLA will be hosting the NOLA Cherry Blossom Festival this Sunday, April 24th! If you’re in New Orleans this weekend, come celebrate spring at Kawaii NOLA from from 12 to 2 pm!

Hosted by Midori & Eureeka Starfish, the mini-festival will include performances by LibeRaunchy the BeauxQueenEureeka Starfish, Chelsea Chavis, & sora with tunes mixed by DJ BELLA! There will be 3 pop-up shops with handmade accessories by local shops DozidotesMintyMix, & T-Baby’s Cute n’ Fuzzies. There will also be a J-Fashion Contest with prizes from local New Orleans merchants and artists (including a copy of The Butterfly Crest), a special NOLA Lolitas Fashion Show, and treats by Nola Voodoo Cakes. A Sakura Petal Toss will conclude the event at 2 pm!

For more details, you can check out the Facebook Event Page.

For a quick peek at their cute inventory, check out Kawaii NOLA’s Instagram.

Kawaii NOLA
3512 Magazine Street
New Orleans, Louisiana

On Going Back to Basics

Zeshin Flowers and Birds of the Four Seasons
“Flowers and Birds of the Four Seasons” by Shibata Zeshin, Meiji Period, 19th century; Google Art Project.

I don’t know where to begin.

When that happens, it’s usually best to go back to basics. But what happens when you forget the basics?

What happens when you strip it all down to it’s natural state, and you still get nothing? Something is supposed to bleed through, right? At least that’s what I thought.

When it didn’t, it was paralyzing.

I’ve been in a semi state of paralysis for the past year. There. I said it. It’s out in the open. It can’t have any power over me anymore.

So here I am, back to basics.

It isn’t where I wanted to be, granted, but it’s something. An admission. An affirmation. It fits. In my own round about way, I arrived at something.

It’s been a theme for the past year, these false starts, and every time I found myself face-to-face with them, I ran in the opposite direction. It was easy to find excuses—my health, my business and career, my personal life—anything not to look in the creative mirror.

We try our best during this journey to stay true to who we are, sometimes forgetting that we can’t be the same person at the end of the journey that we were at the beginning. I think that’s even more so when it comes to art. It’s an intimate thing to share your art with the world, and the act alone will forever change you. The tricky part is learning what’s actually a part of the new you and what’s just noise.


This post’s image is  “Flowers and Birds of the Four Seasons” by Shibata Zeshin, a revolutionary Japanese painter of the late Edo Period and early Meiji Period. Zeshin invented the form of “urushi-e”, painting with lacquer, and is the only artist to be successful in the medium.  I chose Zeshin for this post because one of his paintings, “The Gods of Good Fortune at Mount Horai”, is currently on display in the Japanese Gallery at the New Orleans Museum of Art, as part of their exhibit on auspicious imagery in Edo Period art. NOMA has been a huge source of inspiration for me and turning to it now is definitely going back to one of my “basics”.

On a recent Review by Nia W.

Hi all! I know it’s been a while. I have a lot of good news to share and I promise to update y’all soon.  In the meantime, I wanted to share a recent review by the lovely Nia W. on her blog, The Most Sublime Things.

Please take a look at her site, and I hope you enjoy her review!

Review: The Butterfly Crest by Eva Vanrell

I absolutely adored this book from start to finish. I’ve read a lot of different writing styles lately and this has to be one of my favourites. The tone is very reserved but includes rich detail and a wonderfully unhurried pace so that you feel you can just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

The book starts with highly exaggerated descriptions of characters, which made me wonder if this story was going to be overdone in the descriptive area, but it all makes sense when you realise the nature of the characters themselves. This is all put into perspective when the story starts following our main protagonist, Elena.

Her story starts with a description of the underdog in a work environment (which we all relate to on some level, some of us more than others I realise after accidentally tripping down the stairs to my office last week), putting on shoes she likes (described as red, so those of us who are terrified of fashion aren’t immediately put off) and still turning up late. She also loves tea religiously, so she’s already got me on side.

I love the female characters in this book. They have strong personalities and are very self aware, I especially appreciated Elena’s reserved personality. She knows her feelings about things but doesn’t wear her heart on her sleeve, she is respectful, intelligent and curious about the things going on around her but above all, she works hard not to make a fool of herself or appear rude to others. She gets abused a lot in this book by various Greek gods but she never falls apart or lets them see how hurt she is emotionally or physically, which is the paramount of bravery you can expect from any ordinary human without prior godly training!…

Click here to read the rest of Nia’s review: Review: The Butterfly Crest by Eva Vanrell

On Book Reviews – Reckoning

Hi all! It’s been a while, I know. My apologies. I’ve been trying to get back to our regularly scheduled program, but the merry-go-round’s been moving a bit too fast for me to keep up lately. I promise to get back on schedule soon!

As you may recall, I’ve been participating in the Spread the Word Virtual Book Blog Tours hosted by 2 Book Lovers Reviews. This week is the virtual book tour for Reckoning (Book One of The Breach Trilogy) by Katheryn J. Avila, and I’m really happy to be able to share this book with you.

Before we move on to the review, here are a few links on Reckoning, for your browsing pleasure:

  • Goodreads (book page)
  • Amazon (purchase link – try a free sample!)
  • Smashwords (purchase link)(Reckoning is on sale right now through Monday, June 8th, with Smashwords coupon code XZ65E)

After the review, keep scrolling down for a synopsis, author bio, author links and blog tour giveaway!

(Book One of The Breach Trilogy)
Written by Katheryn J. Avila
4 out of 5 Stars

Katheryn J. Avila’s Reckoning, book one of The Breach Trilogy, tells the story of Lexia Graham, a strong willed and determined heroine whose life is turned upside down when her aunt dies and all of the family skeletons come tumbling out of the closet. An orphan herself, she must now protect her orphaned nephews while they are all drawn, unwittingly, into a supernatural world that becomes its own kind of macabre inheritance.

Reckoning was a fun, dark and engaging read. For me, it felt like slipping into my favorite pair of jeans. I know that’s an odd thing to say about a book, but it’s the most genuine way I can describe the experience. Everything about it felt familiar, and that in no way is meant to imply that it was predictable; if anything, it followed a certain kind of tradition in story-telling that I’m always happy to see.

While the story is ultimately about loss, literally and figuratively (since the plot revolves around Reapers), it still managed to remain light and charming—a testament to a fantastic supporting cast (they were so good that I still can’t settle on a favorite). The imagery was great and left an undeniable impression. There’s a scene in the story—I’ll just say that it’s a scene at the Crossroads—that captured and expressed the essence of the story in such a beautiful and haunting way that I can still see it clearly in my mind. If I had to point to a negative it’s that I wish I knew more—sometimes (mostly in the first half of the book) the story seemed to move too quickly for me without delving deeper, but that’s just my own preference.


After discovering suppressed psychic ability, Lexia struggles to keep her family safe, learning more than she bargained for along the way.

As demons and wraiths break their way through to the human world, she does her best to stay in control – unaware that the supernatural war dates back to before she was born.

Author Bio and Links


Katheryn has always dreamed of being a published author, and recently, that dream has come true! She loves reading, writing, and does what she can to find/make time to write when her day job as a programmer doesn’t take up all her time.

Here are a few links to help you get to know Katheryn a little better:


Enter to win a free e-copy of Reckoning here!

A Guest Post: by Author Selah Tay-Song

Hi all! One of the many joys on the road to publishing, and beyond, is having the opportunity to meet and get to know other fellow authors. The beauty of blogging is that I get to share those connections with you!

What follows is a guest post by one such friend-author, Selah Tay-Song. Please enjoy! I can tell you, as someone currently toiling through writing their second book, it’s a huge relief to know my struggle is far from unique. 

Lessons Learned from the Dreaded Second Book
(Guest Post by Selah Tay-Song)

A couple of years back, I attended a writing conference where the keynote speaker, Author Jim Lynch, said that the second book is always the hardest book for an author to write.

He explained that whether the first book was a raving success and you are terrified that the second book won’t be up to the same standard, or the first book was a flop and you are reeling with disappointment, it’s hard.

He went on to say that while the second book is particularly challenging, it never gets easier. Even the most prolific bestselling author will still have a hard time sitting down and starting another book.

At the time I hadn’t even finished Dreams of QaiMaj Book I, so I didn’t take his words too much to heart. Now that I am launching Dream of a City of Ruin, Dreams of QaiMaj Book II, I understand exactly what he meant. The challenges to writing book two were different from the first, but no less daunting.

In addition to being both terrified that the second book wouldn’t live up to the standard I’d set with the first book, and disappointed in the performance of the first book, I faced three seemingly insurmountable writing challenges while writing Dream of a City of Ruin:

  1. DCR is a “journey” story (the main characters spend most of the book traveling from point a to point b) which is really hard for me to write (I’m an action kinda gal).
  1. The two main characters in DCR have to go from being mortal enemies (literally, they tried to kill each other at the end of the first book) to bonded allies. And the reader has to buy this development.
  1. The scope of DCR was dramatically larger than the scope of the first book. The setting widened, the number of important characters increased, and the stakes grew much higher.

So how did I rise to these challenges?

For the first one, I read a lot of journey stories, and focused on journey or transitory portions of several of my favorite series. What I found that kept me engaged in these kinds of stories, almost overwhelmingly, were two things: one, the characters underwent an emotional journey that mirrored the physical journey, and two, there were actually plenty of ways to keep the tension and action high during the journey—have the heroes being pursued, or put obstacles in their path, or put them in conflict with each other.

For the second challenge, I relied largely on my editor and beta readers. I had a vision of where I wanted the character’s relationship to be when I finished, but there were a lot of places where I moved too fast, where the characters acted too accepting or friendly before it was reasonable for them to do so. My big learning experience with this project was patience, and a big part of that was being patient with these two characters, letting them figure things out at their own pace.

For the third challenge, I had to adapt my writing process. I spent a lot more time planning Dream of a City of Ruin than I ever have before when drafting a book. Not only did I plan out the plot carefully, I also planned out each individual character’s arc. Once I sat down to write, I had a much more clear idea of how everything should play out than I did writing the first book.

Patience, planning, writing in community, and research were my big take-aways from the experience of writing Dream of a City of Ruin. I will certainly be carrying these valuable lessons with me as I continue to write the Dreams of QaiMaj series!

What was your biggest writing challenge recently, and how did you overcome it? Leave a note in the comments and let me know!

About Selah:

Profile thumbSelah J Tay-Song is living proof that if you persevere, you’ll catch your dreams. She decided to be an author at the age of six. It took her 25 years to learn how to write a book. Today she is the author of the award-winning Dreams of QaiMaj series, described as magical, poetic and engrossing. When she’s not writing epic fantasy, Selah blogs about everything she wished she knew before she wrote her first book. When she’s not writing, Selah is stalking the urban river otters that live near her home in the Pacific Northwest.

Follow Selah on the interwebs:

Website: http://www.selahjtaysong.com

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Selah-J-Tay-Song/e/B00J43RS68/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_book_1

Twitter: https://twitter.com/selahjtaysong

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/selah.taysong

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/selahjtaysong

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/Selahjtaysong

Dream of a City of Ruin:

DreamofaCityofRuin-1600x2400px-eBookCover-FlatCheck out Selah’s latest book, Dream of a City of Ruin, available March 20th, 2015! The tale of QaiMaj continues in this gripping sequel to Dream of a Vast Blue Cavern:

War simmering for three thousand years is poised to explode on the surface of QaiMaj. The outcome might free the scattered survivors of an ancient disaster from tyranny, or destroy them forever.

Torn from familiar caverns in the midst of her own war, stranded in the icy lands of Khell, Queen Stasia of Iskalon knows nothing of the conflicts shaping QaiMaj. Her only guides are legends told by a Khell Healer and her own prophetic Dreams of her people suffering in a dark, ruined city. Unwillingly allied with the man who destroyed everything she holds dear, struggling to define her identity in the face of so much loss, stalked and assailed by death-hungry Dhuciri, Stasia sets out across the vast wastelands of QaiMaj to reach the city of her Dreams.

But Svardark, the ruling dynasty on QaiMaj, already knows she has surfaced, and they will stop at nothing to find her in . . .

Dream of a City of Ruin

Dreams of QaiMaj Book II

Tucson Festival of Books

Hi all! Just wanted to post a quick news update.

I’ll be making an appearance at the Tucson Festival of Books on March 14th and 15th, from 11:30 am to 3:30 pm. The festival is being held at the University of Arizona (which also happens to be my alma mater, so I’m super excited to being going back!). I’ll be in the Book Goodies booth with several other authors, so if you’re in the area please to stop by to say hello! (I’ll keep you posted on the booth number, once I find out).

I recently did an author interview for Book Goodies, in anticipation of the festival. If you’re the curious type, I invite you to click on the following link: Interview with Author – Eva Vanrell

Forbidden : Promo Spotlight

Hi all! As of a few months ago, I’ve had the pleasure of participating in the Spread the Word Virtual Book Blog Tours hosted by 2 Book Lovers Reviews. This week is the virtual book tour for Forbidden: The Brethren of Erebus by L.M. David.  As a lover all things mythology and fiction of the supernatural variety, I’m happy to host a spotlight for this intriguing story!

Spread the Word Tour bannerBefore we begin, here are a few links on Forbidden, for your browsing pleasure:

And now, without further ado, onto the spotlight! (Friendly Hint: Keep an eye out for the giveaway link at the end of the spotlight!)


ForbiddenThe European vampire brood is in decline and the Vampiric council’s rule is shaken amid rumors of an uprising. Their only hope comes from an Oracles’ verse and a name “Julianna.” Moros, as a member of a warrior clan, the Brethren of Erebus, must obey the orders of the Heir Elder, who is convinced finding this young woman is the only hope to save them from extinction. Sent to America, a land forbidden by decree of the European rulers, he arrives only to learn he is exiled, and his family honor in ruins. Angered by this betrayal, he continues the search for Julianna. However, the more he learns, the less Moros believes the mission he is on will clear his name. Moros soon becomes entangled in lies, rivalry, deception, the threat of war, and the wrath of a Pan Celtic God — and in the midst of this treachery, he finds something unexpected … love.

Author Bio

Forbidden QuipL.M. David has been writing novels since Jr. High School after taking a Creative Writing class and becoming an acquaintance of Lazette Gifford, who is now a prolific writer. Initially drawn to the genre of Science Fiction, a fascination with paranormal/urban fantasy/romance drew her into the dark erotic world of vampires. The more she read about the subject of the ‘undead’, the deeper her fascination with folklore and legends of the vampires became. This is also L.M. David’s first attempt at writing a New Adult novel.

L.M. David, in recent months, has contributed an article to the ezine Vision: A Resource for Writers.

L.M. David, when not writing, has varied interest — building computers, making quilts, pillows and does scrapbooking. She has worked as a legal assistant and as a nurse in the medical field. Although born in New Jersey, her family relocated to Southern California and now considers themselves Californians. Her family includes Patches, a stray cat who nosed her way into the L.M. David’s life and Paws, who stubbornly sat on the front porch and patiently waited for hours to be invited inside. That was six years ago.

L.M. David has a blog at: http://www.wordpress.com/lmdavid54 and an author’s page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorLMDavid


As a part of this virtual book tour, the author is giving away 2 e-copies of the book (open internationally).  Please click on the following link to enter the giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


The Protogenoi Series